Thursday, March 1, 2007

Starting (over) Points

I've had a nasty habit of drifting from one blog to the next for years. Unlike paper journals, there seems to be a call for coherency in a blog. Write fiction in one, informal blather about daily frustrations in another, health and fitness in a third, politics in a fourth, academia in a fifth. Gods help you if your prospective employer tracks you from your academic blog to your self-indulgent fiction.

This coherency is artificial. It's not a reflection of my life's natural unfolding to have equal proportions creativity, desire for connection, analysis, and research at all times. So there's also a tidal quality to my interest in my blogs. When my creativity wanes, oneliners on LiveJournal take precedence over anything requiring more thought and effort. After a few weeks of this, I'm in danger of never getting back in the habit of writing detailed posts in the blogs I once considered primary. I've drifted.

So, okay, another birthday on the horizon, another new effort. KerrPlunck, The Serious Blog™. I'm not making an ambitious start—just a commitment to post something about something that's made me think, twice each week.

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